Richard Ciano is one of the conservative party’s Ontario vice presidents and a friend. He notes in his latest newsletter that:
Many Conservatives have been conditioned to believe that high voter turnout favours the Liberals. But by every objective measure that turns out to be false. With only a few exceptions over the last sixty years, conservative parties in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain have seen greatest electoral success when voter turnout is high.
His argument is illustrated by graphs such as these (click to view full size).

Ciano is also doing some great behind-the-scenes work in passing on his expertise and that of others, helping conservatives across Ontario organize and prepare for the next election through the Conservative Campaign Academy.
I recently met Richard Ciano at a C.M.M. dinner.This young man knows his stuff and with a few more like Richard helping out we will be able to snuff out the Liberal/NDP party's lights.
I think I should do my undergraduate thesis on the stunning, yet informative nature of this "trend." I mean: wow. Mr. Ciano must have a PhD.
In all seriousness, it's a grave fallacy to assume the main independent variable for the prediction of election outcome is voter turnout.
Then again, maybe he _is_ indeed smart, realizes this, and is using it as a ploy to "fool" people into boosting GOTV efforts?
No offense, but Rich is not a 'Guru'. Hes a great guy, and he tries hard, but he won a riding that a chimp could have won last year for us.
Ted Matthews is an Organizational Guru. Rich is an Organizer.
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